Every parent is looking for the right name for their baby. But in doing so, many go for names that aren’t popular for whatever reason. However, this is a costly mistake because you can’t change the name later.
We’ve all heard stories where parents name their child something that the child ends up growing up to hate it.
How can you avoid that? Do some research and check out some popular old-school black baby names to get a better idea.
Rashaad– “counselor”
Cedrica– “battle chieftain”
Luther– “people’s warrior”
Nia– “determination”
Ezrah– “helper”
Nakala– “victory”
Jashanna– “celebration”
Amani– “faith”
Autry– “noble strength”
Jayla– “god will guard”
Dazzling– “little angel”
Deja– “remembrance”
In the past, some parents have named their children after celebrities or fictional characters. Sometimes the parents themselves will choose a name that is not typical. Other times they will choose a name that is not common at all.
Some parents are so overwhelmed with the task of naming their child that they opt for a one-word baby name.
And although this has been a popular choice, it’s not always the best decision.
In many cultures around the world, a name is considered an important part of a child’s identity.
Besides, it’s a good idea to avoid naming your child the same as their father, which might lead to confusion.
So, what should the perfect baby’s name be?
Let’s dive into the list of awesome old-school black baby names.
Giovante– “god is compassionate”
Dominique– “of god”
Shantel– “‘stone”
Edith– “blessed”
Demairon– “prayed for a child”
Khalil– “friend”
Aniyah– “one who comforts others”
Brianna– “strong and virtuous”
Nikki– “victorious”
Destiny– “ordained path”
Fayth– “powerful someone”
Daran– “great”
Alicia– “noble in a manner”
Leshaun– “god’s gift”
Furnell– “fern-covered hill”
Old School Black Names
Imani– “faith”
Laquita– “freed from debt”
Daloris– “‘sorrows”
Elijah– “god is powerful”
Makayla– “who is like god”
Gabriel– “god is my strength”
Kendis– “clarity”
Ahmod– “highly praised”
Busta– “fellow”
Tanasha– “‘strong-willed”
Maurice– “dark-skinned”
Llyod– “Lloyd means “grey”
Dequan– “calm”
Popular Old-School Black Names
Deion– “god”
Delan– “begotten from the sea”
Malik– “King”
Zari– “golden”
Travis– “to cross”
Dallas– “meadow dwelling”
Indigo– “blue color”
Herold– “to rule”
Rhianna– “great queen”
Merrill– “bright as the sea”
Jayden– “Grateful”
Liana– “youthful”
Braelin– “intelligent”
Jasmine– “fragrant flower”
What Are Some Of The Cutest Old-School Black Baby Names?
Xavier– “new abode”
Farrell– “‘superior man”
Akilah– “logical”
Deshawn– “compassionate god”
Shanice– “god is merciful”
Zion– “highest point”
Ethan– “resilient”
Craig– “from the rocks”
Keysha– “‘spice tree”
Ambrosia– “food for gods”
Asaad– “lion”
Jalen– “healer”
Darius– “noble”
Tips For Naming Your Babies
There are millions of baby names out there, and most parents decide on a name and stick with it for the rest of their lives.
Some wish the best for their future child but don’t have a clue how to choose a name.
These parents may be confused about why they can’t come up with a name for their baby, or they may have tried several times and have given up on the idea.
If you are considering giving your child a name, there are some things you should know:
1. Pick The Name You Love, Even If It Is Popular.
It is popular and you love it. Anything else you need to think about? Nope. Go for it. If you want to give it uniqueness, think of a great middle name. Integrating “Event Names Ideas“ into this paragraph can prompt consideration of adding a distinctive touch to your event’s name, ensuring it stands out and leaves a lasting impression on attendees.
Here are some popular old-school black baby names out there:
Hakeem– “wise”
Raven– “blackbird”
Booker– “‘scribe”
Dakota– “friends”
Capria– “whimsical and musical”
Terrence– “‘smooth”
Jamal– “Beauty”
Jamal– “handsome”
Imani– “faith”
Tia– “goddess”
Shannon– “Wise River”
Candice– “team”
Tiana– “royalty”
Orlena– “gold”
2. Do Not Skip Lovely School Black Baby Names Even If They Are Unique, Unusual, And Different.
Sometimes, parents will not go for unusual, unique, and different baby names.
They consider it weird. Let me tell you that being attractive and thought-provoking is the game these days.
How would you like these old-school black baby names:
Lamar– “of the sea”
Jada– “god knows”
Fatema– “captivating”
Nisha– “Night”
Javius– “like a flaming spear in the sky”
Trevon– “‘shrewd”
Kwamie– “born on a Saturday”
Nevaeh– “heaven”
Shania– “on the way”
Makayla– “who is like god”
Reginald– “king or leader”
Nathan– “gift from god”
Alexis– “men’s protector”
3. Be Confident If You Want To Go Forward with Personalized Spellings For Your Baby’s Name.
SURE. You should be confident when giving personalized spellings to your baby’s name.
However, you mustn’t make it weird. Adding or removing an alphabet would be enough here.
Try changing these baby names’ spellings into personalized ones:
Meaning: “Grace”
Origin: English.
Description: English origin and its meaning Grace.
Spellingandvariations: Angela, Angelia, Angelle.
Famouspeoplewiththisname: include actor Daniyah Ysrayl.
Meaning: “noble”
Origin: English.
Description: English origin and its means noble.
Spellingandvariations: Bria, Briana, Breonna.
Famouspeoplewiththisname: include rapper and actress Brianna Perry.
Description: is commonly used as a girl name. Pronunciation: jas-mine.
Spelling and Variations: Jasmin, Jasmyn, Jasmyne, Jazmin, Jazmine, Jazmyn.
Famous people with the name: Jasmine Lepore Fiore (1981–2009), American model and murder victim.
4. Crossing Your Favorite Old School Black Baby Names On The Feedback Of Friends And Family Members.
Feedback is important. But it does not mean to listen to every other person’s opinion. You will hardly find old-school black baby names that everybody would like. Therefore, get feedback but still know your choice.
Integrating “Futuristic Name Ideas“ into this paragraph can encourage considering unconventional and forward-thinking options, ensuring your choice stands out and reflects your vision for the event or project.
Consider getting feedback on these baby names from your friends and family members:
Hampton– “high settlement”
Calvin– “the little bald one”
Kwame– “born on Saturday”
Layla– “profound joy”
Demetrius– “follower of Demeter”
Noah– “comfort”
Ezra– “‘someone who helps”
Joshua– “Yahweh is salvation”
Irvin– “freshwater”
Josiah– “god will save”
Carter– “tourist”
Hanita– “divine grace”
Ebony– “deep black wood”
5. Do A Little Research And Find What Is Out There.
Research is an important step for first-time parents as well as for those who do not know what sort of names people pick.
You will be all good once you do a little internet research.
You will also be able to find some great old-school black baby names that you might consider now or in the future.
Here are some common baby names examples to help you:
Famouspeoplewiththisname are industrial designer Kristian Somer Vedel.
6. Consider The Names Of The Subsequent Children.
Maybe, you are first-time parents and figuring out some cool old-school black baby name. It is a good idea to consider the names of subsequent children too.
7. Avoid The Names With Bad Meanings.
Baby names with bad meanings can be a cause of embarrassment for you and your kid. Be sure to know the meaning of the name you are gonna pick and be sure it is encouraging and positive.
Here are some of the cool school black baby names with meanings:
Jamika– “from Jamaica”
Devon– “defender”
Isaiah– “Yahweh is salvation”
Gabrielle– “My strength comes from god”
Yolanda– “violet”
Asaad– “most fortunate”
Craig– “rock”
Kiara– “dark”
Porsha– “offering”
Asia– “‘sunrise”
Jordan– “to flow down”
Rodnell– “independence”
Elijah– “Yahweh is my god”
8. Pick Up Good People’s Names From History.
The name of the person affects his/her personality, it is said. Maybe, that’s the reason why people choose names from history.
You can consider this as well. I am sure you have heard about many legends from the past.
I bet you’d find some awesome and useable old-school black baby names if you look into it.
We have a small list of old-school black baby names here for you to check out and know if you have heard them before:
Meaning: “Priceless”
Origin: Etruscan.
Description: Etruscan origin and its meaning Priceless.
Meaning: “The river that flows between the countries of Jordan and Israel”
Origin: Hebrew.
Description: Hebrew origin and its means The river that flows between the countries of Jordan and Israel.
Spellingandvariations: dash.
A famous person withthisname: is actor Jordan Fisher.
9. Make Sure The First And Second Names Fit With Each Other.
This happens rarely when the first and second names do not fit and meet each other well. It is, however, something you would not want.
Check out school black baby names and try to make full names that fit each other nicely:
Hannah– “grace”
Aiden– “‘small fire”
Hazell– “the hazelnut tree”
Malik– “King”
Perry– “dweller by the pear tree”
Patricia– “noblewoman”
Tierra– “earth”
Makena– “joyful one”
Quetta– “wildflower”
Lafyette– “‘surname”
Juanita– “god is compassionate”
Gail– “My father rejoices”
Tamara– “date palm”
Brianna– “‘strength and honor”
10. Avoid Names With Too Many Syllables.
Baby names with too many syllables are complex. They are hard to remember. They should be avoided.
Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.